There are several factors in choosing the right location for your business in the Washington area.
- How important is employee parking and guest parking?
- Do you, your employees or guests use Metro?
- Is a Class “A” image important?
- Will you have a high volume of foot traffic?
- Would you like your office to be near restaurants, a fitness center, hotels?
- What location works best for you and your employees?
These are just a few of the questions we ask our clients before we start the search for commercial space. Of course, your budget is also an important part of the search. Northern Virginia offers Class “A,” Class “B,” and even Class “C” buildings. Another category is sublease space. We tend to start with the locations of interest to our clients and begin the analysis of available spaces.
Businesses, trade associations and defense contractors often choose Arlington or Alexandria if they frequently conduct meetings in Washington. These jurisdictions offer Metro/subway access to National Airport, Capitol Hill and the Pentagon, for instance. Some of these firms also find Metro locations important to attract employees.
Law Firms which provide legal services in the Fairfax County Courthouse will often locate within just a few miles of the Jennings Judicial Center. Several law firms are located within walking distance of the courthouse, in the City of Fairfax, and still others are in Fairfax County office developments.
In some cases, our clients need a certain type of zoning for their businesses or, they may need handicapped access. Each jurisdiction provides different zoning guidelines. Certain zoning categories can narrow down the building choices for some tenants. For instance, a university offering classes, may require more parking than a particular office building in the close-in suburbs can provide. A medical office may be restricted to a medical building, providing appropriate access, or to a retail center due to the parking requirement. Certain zoning restrictions also apply to studio space, training rooms, and the new live-work concept in office buildings.